Monday, July 30, 2018

I will help you with it, whether its a query about troubleshooting or advice.

I will help you with it, whether its a query about troubleshooting or advice.


My gig aims to take something you don't fully understand make that into something comprehensible.

This will be practical solutions for practical people.No one should feel the need to be confused or overwhelmed by the IT devices in their life and so I aim to resolve those fears.

Based off the request you ask for me I will return an agreed upon document to explain the answer to your query. If the nature is to troubleshooting an existing issues let me know in as much detail what the issue is, what it is occurring on and when did it begin. It will be from this information I will come up with a solution and if I cannot you get your money back.

Some documentation may consist of email chains back and forth to obtain additional information to resolve the request.

Some documentation will consist of images and videos to help illustrate points made during explanations.







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